UX Case study


Financial insecurity profoundly affects our mental well-being. Current studies underscore that a significant number of Norwegians face financial challenges. Consequently, individuals often experience feelings of inadequacy and shame.

This issue stands as a distinct problem, one that is challenging for many to discuss openly. This difficulty in addressing their circumstances can lead to feelings of isolation, making it hard for people to seek the support they need when they need it

We made the decision to move on with the Design Thinking process so that we may better understand the users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems, and create innovative solutions to prototype and test.

My roles and contributions

User research
Competitive analysis
Facilitate workshops
Synthesize & Analyze
Affinity mapping
Key path
How might we questions
Information Architecture
Design system
Usability testing





2 UX designers


We chose to create an app after finding out that most people prefer using it. Additionally, our competitors have also taken this route, which influenced our decision.

The app should include a breakdown of expenses, a breakdown of income, and a breakdown of financial goals. The app should provide positive feedback or offer a rewards program. It needs to be educational and accessible to all people, regardless of their financial situation or income, as our research has revealed that economic difficulties do not discriminate.

We will provide a solution for getting all bank data from banks that have implemented the OpenBanking standards to make it easier for the user to implement all bank data. OpenBanking is a solution to meet the PSD2 requirements, which regulate payment methods in Europe. This gives users access to all of their bank account details. To be allowed to do this, the user must have Norwegian BankID and must do so with each and every bank. When we begin this process, we will inform the user that it may take a few minutes. The user can also manually enter expenses and other data.

It is possible to get every upcoming expense from E-fakturakrav from every banking platform in Norway, which will also show in the app after the user has agreed to get this information using BankId.


5 weeks


Our goal for this research is to find out how people use apps to have or gain
control over their personal finance. And also why and what makes people lose
control over their personal finance?

Competitive Analysis

To get an overview of what types of solutions already exist and how designers solve similar problems I decided to conduct a competitive analysis.

Competitors analyzed

Analysis and synthesis
Literature review

To help us gain information on what we didn't know we had these research questions and goals in mind to help us focus

  • Who is having financial difficulties?What factors contribute to financial distress?
    • How can we keep people from getting into financial difficulties?
    • How do you overcome/resolve financial issues?
    • What impact do financial problems have on people's lives?

    We interpret the facts into meaningful insights after collecting and organizing data in individual spreadsheets. We use abductive reasoning to find the most likely explanation for the facts.

    affinity 1
    affinity 2

    Insights & Conclusions

    Lit review

    • Most people believe only knowing what your fixed expenses are means you have full control over personal finances.

    • People struggle to save money if they don't have a specific goal or motivation enough

    • People seek help after the problem has escalated
    • People struggle to seek and find help

    • People do not know what kind of help they can seek

    • People are not comfortable talking about their situation / Tabu / Shame
    • Give the user necessary tools/functionalities so they have control over their income, expenses + unexpected expenses.

    • Target user can be anyone who manage their own or others personal finances.

    • Financial problem can lead to health problems and relational problems.

    • Find a motivational way for the user to save money

    Survey Goals

    • How people manage and overview their personal finances

    • If they use digital tools to keep track of their money flow

    • If they have unnecessary expenses

    • If they have ever lost control of their personal finances, the reason
      for lost control and whether they used tools to get back control.

    • When people seek help with their financial situation

    Findings - Survey

    Do you use any tools to get an overview and manage you personal finance? (you can choose more than one)


    According to our research, the topic of how people manage their personal finances can be sensitive and uncomfortable for some. I realized early on that I needed to consider this when recruiting people to participate in an interview. I decided to only record the audio for the interviews in order to make the participant feel more at ease.


    • What tools did people use to keep or regain control of their personal finances, and and specify what?

    • What does it mean for them to have control over their personal finances, and how do they manage it?

    • What are people's financial management knowledge levels, and how did they obtain it?

    Insights & Conclusions

    Survey + Interviews

    • People claim they don't have a budget but use several apps to keep track of their spending.

    • People prefer electronic and automatic bill payments.

    • People don't take enough precautions against unforeseen circumstances that could harm their economy.

    • Many people have unnecessary expenses that they know they don't need, but they still have them; some may find it difficult to cancel them. (Not an easy task)

    • People who learned from their mistakes early in life are better able to make financial decisions.

    • People use apps that are simple to use and effective.

    • People have unnecessary expenses that they are aware of but do not cancel for various reasons. (Difficult cancellation process?) Find a way to make this less difficult.

    • People have learned from their own or other people's mistakes, which allows them to prioritize differently. Find a way to educate or inform users in order to keep them out of financial trouble.




    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley
    Key path smiley

    Problem statement
    Research perspective

    People say that they have control over personal finances but when asked they realize that they only have control over their income and fixed expenses.

    Problem statement
    User perspective

    I'm so tired of living in this small space, I need more

    room for me and my, daughter, yet I earn well but I waste too much money on unnecessary things, which just makes it harder to save up for a bigger place.

    Vision Statement

    How might we questions

    • How might we educate people about managing personal finances?
    • How might we get people to be more aware of their spending?
    • How might we help people not to spend too much money?
    • How might we help people cut unnecessary expenses?
    • How might we encourage people to save money?


    For the ideation workshops, we had the double diamond technique in mind to help us with both divergent and convergent thinking.
    We set some rules for the workshop to increase contributions, avoid groupthink, and have an open and non-judgemental approach for anyone involved

    Results from brainstorming session

    Goals for the workshop:

    Get as many ideas down to be able to define:
    Technical/ Functional / Contextual requirements

    Untitled - Frame 3 1 (1)

    Information architecture and user flows


    Medium Fidelity wireframes

    Top 3 key findings

    First round of usability testing

    • The wording of drop-down menu - presents as if the user can choose from several bank accounts

    • The wording of balance in the main page is confusing. Change to a familiar word for the user

    • Balance in expenses is confusing for users. The user is unsure what it present

    After the first round of usability changes, we made the necessary adjustments to better the user experience when designing the medium wireframes. We then did a second usability test to validate if our changes enhanced the user experience and minimized friction while the user completed the tasks.

    We decided to keep these changes in mind when continuing the design process.

    I tested on 8/10 users, with these approaches in mind: CTA(Concurrent think aloud). RP(Retrospective probing)

    High fidelity wireframes

    Prototype and Design System / Style Guide

    Group 3273 (1)
    image 26 (1)

    Next Improvments

    • Add loan and credit overview in the app

    • Add educational features on how to invest in stocks and funds

    • Add a financial dictionary. We have used language in the apps that reflect daily life, but the user may encounter finance terminology that is hard to understand in other situations

    • Reward points and gamification, such as quizzes or "no buy" challenges